from TheSpectrumNews
The following is an excerpt from the
introduction section to the following book: The RA MATERIAL: AN
The copyright for this book is 1984 however,
the transcription of the RA receiving are between January 15,
1981 and February 17, 1981.
This leads me to believe the following
message(s) from Hatonn are from around 1980. Perhaps even
earlier. |
We are very privileged to have you join with us in this great
service at this time in the history of your planet. For this is a very
great time, a great transitional period, in which many of the Earth’s
people will be raised from their state of confusion to a simple
understanding: the love of their Creator.
Hatonn speaks of
our desire to seek something outside the physical illusion. What he talks
about so persuasively is something that is often referred to by members of
what Ra calls the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the
Infinite Creator as ’the original thought.’ This is another term for
our word, "love," but implies a great deal more. It implies a unity
that is so great that we do not see each other simply as close friends, or
brothers and sisters, but, ideally, as the Creator; and, as we see
each other and ourselves as the Creator, we see one being.
This concept is at the very heart of telepathy and Hatonn talks
about this concept and the original thought in general:
At this time I am in a craft far above your place of dwelling. I
am at this time able to monitor your thoughts. This, my friends, might
seem to some of your peoples to be an infringement, but I can assure you
that it is not. Our capabilities of knowing the thinking of the peoples
of this planet Earth are not designed in any way to infringe upon either
their thinking or their activities. We do not consider the knowledge of
the thoughts of others to bean infringement for we see these thoughts as
our own. We see these thoughts as the thoughts of the Creator.
friends, it may seem to you that a thought of a nature other than one of
love and brotherhood might be a thought generated not of our Creator.
This is not possible, my friends. All thought that is generated is
generated by the Creator. All things that are generated are generated by
the Creator. He is all things and is in all places, and all of the
consciousness and all of the thought that exists is the thought of our
His infinite number of parts all have free will, and all
may generate in any way they choose. All of His parts communicate with
all of the creation, in His entire and infinite sense.
We are not
attempting to change the thinking of our Creator. We are only attempting
to bring His ideas to some of the more isolated parts for their
inspection and appraisal. Isolated parts, I say, my friends, and why
should we consider these parts to be isolated? We consider them isolated
because from our point of view they have chosen to wander far from the
concept that we have found to permeate most of the parts of the creation
with which we are familiar. We find, my friends, that man upon planet
Earth in his experiences and experiments has become isolated in his
thinking and has divorced it from that to which we are accustomed in the
vast reaches of creation which we have experienced.
I urge you,
my friends, to remember what we have brought to you. The next time that
you are, shall we say, backed into a corner by the circumstances which
prevail within the illusion of your physical existence, remember what
you have learned and do not forget what you have worked so hard to
obtain. You will choose at any time to alter your needs and desires from
within the physical illusion to your being within the creation of the
As long as your objectives lie within this physical illusion it
will be necessary for you to be subject to the laws which prevail within
this illusion. If your desires can be altered by the application of what
you are learning and are lifted in the creation of the Infinite One,
then, my friends, you may have a great deal more ability to remove
yourself from the corners into which the illusion seems to back
To some who may read these words the concepts may seem to be a less
than practical and certainly overly idealistic method of discussing what
many have called the new age or the Age of Aquarius. It certainly seems
unlikely that an entire planet could go so wrong philosophically and that
beings supposedly more advanced than we would care enough about us to
attempt to help us.
However as we look for the heart of the
"cosmic" system of philosophy, we find much that is clear and simple
without being simplistic in the least, much that is ethical without being
dogmatic—in short, much that is informative. Here Hatonn speaks of the
nature of reality, which, in the main, seems to have escaped the notice of
Earth man:
All of this may be very simply remedied, and man can once more
return to an appreciation of reality rather than an appreciation of the
illusion created by his m I rid. All that s necessary, my friends, is
that he individually avail himself to this appreciation of reality
through the process of meditation, for this process stills his active
conscious mind which is continually seeking stimulus within the illusion
developed over so many centuries of time upon planet Earth. Very
rapidly, then, he can return to an appreciation of the reality in the
functioning of the real creation.
This, my friends, is what
man of Earth must return to if he is to know reality: this simple
thought of absolute love, a thought of total unity with all his brothers
regardless of how they might express themselves or whom they might be,
for this is the original thought of your Creator.
The creation of the Father, then, as Hatonn calls it, has a very
simple nature, a nature in which love is the essence of all things and of
all their functions.
Yet this "real" creation obviously is not
uppermost in most of our minds because we live in a day-to-day atmosphere
to which the Confederation has referred quite often as an
We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the
Infinite Creator have been, for many of your years, aware of many
principles of reality. We are aware of these principles because we have
availed ourselves to them just as the people of your planet may
It is possible through meditation to totally reduce the
illusion that you now experience that creates the separation-an illusory
separation-to what it actually is, a total illusion. We have been
continuing to speak to you about meditation. We have spoken to you many
times about reality and about love and about understanding, and yet you
do not seem to be able to overcome the illusion.
The reason for
the illusion, my friends, is one that man on Earth has generated.
He has generated it out of desire. This illusion is useful. It is very
useful for those who would wish to evolve at a very rapid rate by
experiencing it and by using it while within it. Many of us who are now
circling your planet would desire to have the opportunity that you have,
the opportunity to be within the illusion and then, through the
generation of understanding, use the potentials of the illusion. This is
a way of gaining progress spiritually and has been sought out by many of
our brothers.
I cannot over-emphasize the necessity of becoming
able to understand the nature of the potentials within your illusion and
then, by self-analysis and meditation, reacting to that in a way that
will express the thought that generated us: the thought of our Creator.
This was done by the teacher whom you know as Jesus. This man recognized
his position. He recognized the illusion. He understood the reason for
the potentials within the illusion, and h I s reaction to these
potentials and activities within the illusion was a reaction which was
expressing the thought of the Creator, a thought of love.
uppermost in your mind that the illusion that you experience is an
illusion, that it is surrounding you for the purpose of teaching you. It
can only teach you if you become aware of its teachings. It is said that
’He worked His wonders in mysterious ways.’ This way may seem
mysterious; however, it is the way of spiritual evolvement. There are
many souls experiencing the illusion in which you find yourself;
however, there are few using this illusion to grow. They are not doing
this other than at a subliminal level because they have not availed
themselves through their seeking to a knowledge of the possibility of
doing this.
As you have by now become aware, meditation is always suggested as
the best means of attaining understanding, of progressing spiritually, and
of understanding the nature of the illusion and the purpose for which you
are experiencing it. Each person is involved in an illusion or game in
which we may, if we wish, use our consciousness in meditation in such a
way as to create a more rapid growth in personal evolution.
But how do we bring ourselves to the point at which this process,
which often seems very difficult, is grasped and begun?
Desire, my friends, is the key to what you receive. If you desire
it, you shall receive it. This was the Creator’s plan, a plan in which
all of His parts would receive exactly what they desire. My friends,
often in the illusion which you now experience it seems that you do not
acquire what you desire. In fact, the opposite seems to be the case in
many, many instances. It is a paradox, it seems, that such a statement
should be made and that such apparent results of desire are manifested,
and yet we state, without exception, that man receives exactly what he
Perhaps, my friends, you do not understand desire. Perhaps this
understanding is not within the intellectual mind. Perhaps it will be
necessary to spend time in meditation to become aware of your real
desire. For, my friends, there is much, much more of you and of the
creation than you presently appreciate with your intellectual abilities
in your present illusion.
It is very difficult for the peoples of
this planet to give up their illusion, to give up the preconceived
knowledge of what they believe to be cause and effect. However, this is
not reality. This is illusion, born of illusion. It is a simple product
of the complexity that man upon this planet has generated. Join with us
in divorcing your thinking from such complexities and become aware of
what has created you, everything that you experience, and everything
that is thought.
Become aware of your Creator. Become aware of His desire,
and when you know this desire you will know your own, for you and your
Creator are one, and you are one with all of His parts and, therefore,
all of your fellow beings throughout all of the creation. When you know
His desire you will feel it. There will be no more confusion. There will
be no more questions. You will have found what you have sought. You will
have found Love, for this is the desire of your Creator: that all
of His parts express and experience the Love that created you. This may
be found simply, in meditation. No amount of seeking within the
intellectual concepts of your people, no amount of careful planning or
careful interpretation of the written or spoken word will lead you to
the simple truth.
The Confederation messages concentrate a great deal upon the
concept of seeking and of desire, feeling that the will of
each entity is absolutely central to each entity’s quest for evolution. In
fact, they say, free will is at the foundation of the universe.
Each entity is conceived not only as being part of one unity but also as
being a totally unique part of that unity. Each person’s free will
is quite paramount and the Confederation’s concern is always to avoid
infringement upon the free will of any person.
Their method of contacting man on Earth takes its form from
a deep concern for this free will:
We do not wish to impose our understanding of truth upon your
peoples, and this would be something that we would do if we contacted
them directly. We could not help it, for our very utterance of truth
would be accepted by many of your peoples as being valid. We do not wish
to be thought of as the ultimate representatives of the Creator’s truth.
We wish to give this to your peoples in such a way so that they may
accept or reject this at their own will.
This, as we understand it, is a necessary provision in the
spiritual evolvement of all mankind: that he be, at some state of his
evolution, in a position to accept or reject what is necessary for his
evolution. In this way, and only in this way, can he know the truth, the
truth of the Creator, that single truth that is the creation, the truth
of the love of the creation.
It must be realized from within. It
cannot be impressed from without. We are attempting to stimulate
those of your peoples who would be stimulated to seeking this truth that
is within them. We have been required by our understanding of our
Creator’s principle to remain in hiding, for we cannot serve one
individual and at the same time do a disservice to his neighbor by
proving within his own mind that we exist, for many of those of planet
Earth at this time do not desire to believe in or have proof of our
For this reason we find it necessary to speak to those who seek
through channels such as this one. We find it necessary to give to those
who seek that which they seek in such a way that they, for themselves,
may appraise its value and accept or reject, on their own terms, those
thoughts that we bring, and understand the reality of the creation in
which all of us exist.
Once the desire to receive this message has been developed the
messages are indeed available, not just from our group but from many
so-called contactee or channeling groups around the world. Indeed, you
will find little new in the "cosmic" system of philosophy. Those concepts
are basic, profound, and simple.
The Confederation has a name for one of the great goals of this
system of meditation and study- understanding:
Many of your peoples are at this time seeking outside their
illusion. To those who seek, we offer our understanding. We do not
attempt to say that we have ultimate wisdom. We only suggest that that
which we have to offer may be of value, for we have found, in our
experience, as we have passed through the same experiences as those of
Earth, that there is a most beneficial direction in seeking to serve. We
are acting through instruments such as those here tonight to give to
those who seek, an understanding. Our presence is meant to stimulate
Through this process, we hope to contact as many of the peoples
of your planet as would desire our contact. We hope in the very near
future to be able to contact many more of the peoples of your planet,
the peoples who would desire understanding. It is difficult to contact
those people of your planet because of this, shall I say, mixture of
types, but it is well worth our effort if we are able to contact but
We will continue to act as we do now, speaking through
instruments such as this one, until a sufficient number of the peoples
of your planet have become aware of truth. We are constantly striving to
bring, through many channels of communication, the simple message to the
peoples of Earth: the simple message that will leave them with a
simple understanding of all that there is, and that is
But understanding, that understanding which shows us the love of an
Infinite Creator, is again and again described as being possible far more
easily through the processes of meditation than by any other
There are pieces of information that are of importance and there
are pieces of information that are not. Wisdom is a rather lonely
matter, my friends. You must accept this truth as you acquire the burden
o f wisdom. That which you know, you are to be careful of, for what you
know in the real creation has power, and that which you desire is all of
the direction which that power will be aimed at; but have faith, my
friends, in what you know and what you are learning.
Feed your faith and your understanding through meditation. The
further that you go along this path, my friends, the more meaningful you
will find this simple statement: meditate. It begins as a simple process
and, little by little, it becomes a way in which you live. Observe it as
you progress along your own spiritual path.
It is frequently suggested in contactee messages that the state
of mind of the seeker has the opportunity of being continuously in a
far more pleasant configuration than is the mind of one who is not
actively engaged in pursuing a path of self-knowledge and seeking.
However, there are other fruits of the path of meditation and seeking
which are predictable and which engage the attention of those who channel
these messages.
It is to be remembered, my friends, that service to others
is service to one’s self. Notice that we do not say that service is like
unto service to one’s self. There is no similarity between others and
ourselves. There is identity. There is completion and unity. Therefore,
that which is felt of a negative nature towards a sheep of the flock is
felt towards one’s self and is felt toward the Creator. This enters the
service which you attempt to give to yourself and to the Creator through
service to another and causes a blot or a stain upon the perfect service
you would have performed. It must be remembered that each person is a
completely free entity whose independence must in no way be shaken and
yet whose identity remains one with you.
There is only one thing of great importance for you to consider
at this time. That is your personal preparation for service. You are to
serve your fellow man, and, therefore, it is necessary that you prepare
yourselves for this service. This of course, my friends, is done in
meditation. We cannot overemphasize the importance of meditation.
Through this technique you will receive answers to all of your
questions. It is difficult to realize this, but this is true.
All of your questions can be reduced to an extremely simple
concept. This you can become aware of in meditation. Once this
has been done you will be ready to serve, just as others have served and
are now serving upon your planet. Follow their example; spend time in
meditation. Qualify yourself to reach out to your fellow man and lead
him from the darkness of confusion that he is experiencing back into the
light that he desires.
One service which the Confederation sources greatly appreciate is
that provided by vocal channels which are trained in groups such as
the one which we have had in Louisville since 1962. They never suggest in
any way that their message is unique or that "salvation" can only be
gained by listening to that message. However, they are aware that there
are many who seek that message through sources other than orthodox
religion and classical philosophy.
Consequently, they are here to provide a service of making
information available and can only perform their service through vocal
There are more people upon this planet seeking than there have
been in the past. However, many are quite confused in their attempts to
seek and there is a need at this time for many more channels such as
this one who can receive directly the thoughts that so many of the
people of this planet are seeking. We are attempting at this time to
generate greater numbers of proficient vocal channels who can receive
our thoughts quite readily. This requires daily meditation. This is all
that is required: daily meditation. It is assumed, of course, that as
this daily meditation is performed there is a desire for our
As one who has participated in meditation groups for many years,
may I suggest that individual meditations not include the attempt to
contact Confederation sources. It is best to pursue this attempt only in a
group situation, preferably a group which contains at least one
experienced receiver. And always, whether meditating alone or in a group,
I strongly recommend some means of "tuning" so that the meditation which
follows will be ’at the highest spiritual level possible.'
This "tuning" can be accomplished in anyway preferable to the
meditator. The Lord’s Prayer, "Aum-ing" or other singing or chanting, the
reading of some inspirational writing, or a careful visualization of the
"white light" of the Creator, are all useful "tuning"
Reincarnation is very basic to the Confederation message.
One of the most highly regarded fruits of the meditation and seeking
process is the ability of the seeker to penetrate what Ra calls the
"forgetting process" which occurs at the time of our birth into this
incarnation so that we might become aware of the lessons which we have to
learn during this incarnation. These lessons are always along the lines of
how to love better, more fully, more deeply, or with more kindness and
However, each entity has unique lessons:
At the time at which each of you incarnated, my friends,
each of you was aware that certain lessons, hitherto unlearned, were to
be the goals for achievement in this incarnation. If it seems to you
that your entire incarnation within this illusion has been a series of
difficulties of one particular type, then you are almost certainly aware
in some manner of one of your lessons. As you can see, these lessons are
not to be avoided. They are to be learned.
Further, we must point
out to you that when a confrontation in such a lesson has been achieved,
that which separates you from understanding is most often your own
thinking. Your conscious thinking processes are quite capable of being
self-destructive in the sense that they may aid you to avoid the lesson
that you wish in reality to learn. Therefore, as you approach a lesson,
we suggest that if it is possible to achieve a temporary abeyance of the
conscious, analytical processes, then you may return to the problem with
a much clearer mentality, ready to learn what you came to this
experience to learn, rather than only to avoid what you came to
We know how difficult it is to achieve the meditative
state at all times, for we have been where you are and we are aware of
that particular type of illusion that you call physical. We urge you,
therefore, to depend on meditation of a formal kind, then to attempt a
semi-meditative state at all times, and, by this, we mean simply to
achieve a state of attention so that your destructive impulses are not
free to clog your mind completely and keep you from learning the lessons
you came to learn.
Under-girding all of the lessons that we have to learn about love
is the basic concept that all things are one:
Meditate upon the complete unity of yourself and all that you
see. Do this not once, and not simply in present circumstances, but at
all times, and especially in difficult circumstances. For insofar as you
love and feel at one with those things which are difficult for you, to
that extent will those circumstances be alleviated. This is not due to
any laws within our physical illusion, but is due to the Law of Love,
for that body which is of spirit, which is interpenetrated with the
physical body, is higher than your physical body, and those changes
which you make by love upon your spiritual body will, of necessity,
reflect themselves within the physical illusion.
All is one, my
friends. My voice is now the voice of this instrument; my thoughts are
her thoughts. Please believe that the vibration we offer to you is not a
vibration of personality, but is a vibration of the Creator. We are also
channels. There is only one voice. Within this vibration, we are
self-consciously aware that this voice is the voice of the Creator. It
is simply a matter of lifting vibrations which are not so self-aware of
the Creator. All things will eventually come into harmony in relation to
your understanding.
Even if the universe for those around you
remains disharmonious and difficult, if your mind is stayed upon the
unity of the Creator, your own universe will become harmonious, and this
is not by your doing but by the simple love of the
From many sources we have heard that we are in the last days of a
particular era of evolution. Popular writers of the Christian faith have
taken the writings of the Book of Revelations and analyzed them in such a
way that it is suggested that the days of Armageddon are near at hand.
Scientists have written many books exploring the possibility that unusual
planetary configurations such as the Jupiter Effect will occur now
and in the year 2,000, thus enlarging the possibility for Earth
Other scientists have examined much evidence indicating that a
polar shift by the year 2,000 is probable. Prophets such as Edgar Cayce have channeled information having
to do with such drastic changes occurring and in addition, of course,
there are our many concerns having strictly to do with the man-made
potential for planetary devastation.
We also have gathered information in our meetings on the subject of
Earth changes:
There is a season upon your planet which shall be highly
traumatic within your physical illusion. The physical reasons for this
are varied. Your scientists will spend a great deal of time, while they
can, in attempting to catalog and describe each of the conditions which
will produce disaster on this physical plane of your planet. That which
your scientists speak of is quite so, and will be part of the program
which has been predicted by all of those holy works which you have upon
the face of the Earth.
It is not either permissible or
possible for us to tell you precisely what events will occur, or
when they will occur, due to the fact that the vibration within the mind
and heart of the peoples upon your planet is determining and will
determine the precise events. There is within the planet Earth a great
deal of karma which must be adjusted as the cycle changes, and these
things will manifest.
Precisely when, and how, we cannot say, nor would we wish to, my
friends. For the rain, and the wind, and fire, will destroy only those
things which are in what you call the third density of vibration.
You may value those things because you cannot imagine what a
fourth-density existence will be like. We suggest to you that you spend
no time concerning yourselves with the effort of maintaining your third
density existence after the vibration change to fourth density has been
If, within your spirit, your graduation day has come,
those things necessary for your emergence into fourth density will be
done for you. All will be accomplished by helpers which you must be
aware that you have.
It is extremely possible that damage will
occur to those things which you identify with yourself in the third
density. If we may speak plainly, you will observe the valley of the
shadow of death. These very words, my friends, have been spoken to you
before, and yet you cling to that physical body and those physical
surroundings as though your spirit were attached quite permanently to
May we suggest to you that you can find your spirit neither
in your head, nor in your hands, nor in your chest, nor in your legs,
nor in your feet, that nowhere can you find your spirit; nowhere can you
operate to remove it, nor to aid it. Your spirit resides within a shell.
The shell may be removed, but that is no matter. The spirit does not
What is the metaphysical meaning of this suggested physical
trauma of our planet? The Confederation suggests that the planet
itself is moving into a new vibration, a new portion of space and
time, which many have called the New Age, but into which we shall not be
able to enter unless we have indeed learned the lessons of love which it
has been our choice to learn or not to learn for many incarnations.
Therefore the Confederation suggests that it is very important to
choose to follow the positive path or not to follow it:
There is a choice to be made very shortly, and it would be
preferable if all of the people of this planet understand the choice
that is to be made. It will be difficult for many of the people of this
planet to understand what this choice is, because it is a choice that
they have not considered. They have been much too involved in their
daily activities and their confusion and their desires of a very trivial
nature to be concerned with an understanding of the choice that they are
very shortly to make.
Whether they wish to or not, whether they understand it or not,
regardless of any influence, each and every one of the people who dwell
upon planet Earth will shortly make a choice. There will be no middle
area. There will be those who choose to follow the path of love and
light and those who choose otherwise.
This choice will not be
made by saying, ’I choose the path of love and light,’ or ’I do not
choose it.’ The verbal choice will mean nothing. This choice will be
measured by the individual’s demonstration of his choice. This
demonstration will be very easy for us of the Confederation of Planets
in His Service to interpret. This choice is measured by what we term the
vibratory rate of the individual. It is necessary, if an individual is
to join those who make the choice of love and understanding, for his
rate of vibration to be above a certain minimal level.
There are many now that are close to this minimum level, but due
to continuing conditions of erroneous thought that prevail upon your
surface, they are either fluctuating around this point or are even in
some cases drifting away from the path of love and understanding. There
are many whose vibratory rate at this time is sufficiently high for them
to travel with no difficulty into the density of vibration that this
planet is shortly to experience.
At some time in the future, then, something that the Confederation
has called the harvest will take place. This concept of the
Judgment Day differs from the eschatological one in that the one who
judges us is not a God apart from us but the God within us. As a result of
this harvest some will go on to a new age of love and light and
will learn new lessons in a very positive and beautiful density, as the
Confederation calls it.
Others will have to repeat this particular grade of lessons and
relearn the lessons of love. Here the Confederation entity, Hatonn,
speaks once again of the harvest and of the Confederation’s
purpose in speaking through contactee groups:
There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a
harvest of souls that will shortly occur upon your planet. We are
attempting to extract the greatest possible harvest from this planet.
This is our mission, for we are the Harvesters.
In order
to be most efficient, we are attempting to create first a state of
seeking among the people of this planet who desire to seek. This would
be those who are close to the acceptable level of vibration. Those above
this level are of course not of as great an interest to us since they
have, you might say, already made the grade. Those far below this level,
unfortunately, cannot be helped by us at this time. We are
attempting at this time to increase by a relatively small percentage the
number who will be harvested into the path of love and
Even a small percentage of those who dwell upon
your planet is a vast number, and this is our mission, to act through
groups such as this one in order to disseminate information in such a
fashion that it may be accepted or rejected, that it may be in a state
lacking what the people of your planet choose to call proof.
offer them no concrete proof, as they have a way of expressing it. We
offer them Truth. This is an important function of our mission-to offer
Truth without proof. In this way, the motivation will, in each and every
case, come from within the individual. In this way, the individual
vibratory rate will be increased. An offering of proof or an impressing
of this Truth upon an individual in such a way that he would be forced
to accept it would have no usable effect upon his vibratory
This, then, my friends, is the mystery of our way of
approaching your peoples.
Another concept that has come out of the many communications from
alleged UFO entities is that of "Wanderers." They are usually
service-oriented people, and, as would be predictable, they often
have a great deal of difficulty fitting into the planetary vibrations of
Earth. Often they have the feeling that they do not fit in or do not
belong but at the same time, very often, these people are possessed of
many gifts, in the arts, in teaching, or in the simple sharing of a
cheerful and happy vibration, which certainly does not suggest the normal
attitude of a simple malcontent.
This concept is particularly
interesting to many people who will be drawn to The Ra Material because,
according to that material, much of it will be most easily recognized as
being useful by Wanderers. There are not just a few Wanderers on Earth
today; Ra suggests a figure of approximately sixty-five million.
They have left other densities in harmonious environments to take
on a kind of job that is most difficult and dangerous, for if a Wanderer
cannot at least begin to pierce the forgetting process that occurs at
birth into this density during his or her lifetime on planet Earth,
and remember the love and the light that the person was intended to share,
the Wanderer can conceivably become caught in the third-density illusion,
collecting what may loosely be termed as karma, and be delayed in arriving
again at the home planet until all that is unbalanced in third
density in this lifetime has been balanced.
When Don Elkins and I
wrote Secrets of the UFO in 1976, we devoted a chapter to the concept of
Wanderers and used material gathered in hypnotic regressions of three
women who are friends in this lifetime and who, when separately regressed,
gave independent and dovetailing stories of their lives on another